torsdag den 27. september 2012

Stine´s expectations

Hello, Awrite!
Me name is Stine, and I will keep you updated on our trip to the United States - and I will try to do it with a scottish twist, because I pure like it!
Now there´s ´ardly four days till departure. So many things to be done before that!
I bought twa books about New York and Washington, so I´m prepared. I wonder if I´m gonna break me neck of all the looking-up at skyskrabers? And all the yellow caps and light. I believe New York to be full of life. And how I would like to see the White House, the home of president Barack Obama - bloody fantastic that´d be! The flight; I will watch a movie and relax, because that´s a long trip! We´ve heard so much about USA as a melting pot, the home of immigrants - are they pure that different from us? Me predjudices will be tested, that´s for sure. Se ye later!

Preconceived Impression

At school we have done a lot of "pre-work" for the trip so that we have an image of what we are going to experience. Of course I had/have some prejudices against Americans and the country e.g. that they are fatter in general than we Europeans, everything is bigger over there, always great weather (seen in movies), and that they are way more religious.

In one way I hope that I will get a more positive view on the Americans or anyway a different view and learn something from the whole trip - not only about the Americans and the USA but also about myself. I have been travelling a lot before in many European countries but only been out of Europe two times before - in Tangier in Marokko and Ceuta - so I'm really looking forward to this trip!!! I have some assignments I need to write before and some stuff to pack, but I will manage sometime to be able to focus on the fact that I'm travelling early Monday morning.

So until then I have to make sure I get ready for the trip and do all the stuff I have to do before travelling.
We will write you when we get closer to the hour of departure.

Till then - best wishes :)
Isse ♥

onsdag den 26. september 2012

Getting started

It's almost time - we are soon crossing the Atlantic for the first time!

Olivia, Stine and I (Isse) have made this blog so you guys can follow our trip to "the Big Apple" and to the capital Washington D.C.. We will update you right before we take off and again when we are "over there". So follow our blog and we will try to get some pictures and interesting information on the site :)

Wish you some nice days till we write again
Stisol - Stine, Isse and Olivia

Written by Isse