torsdag den 27. september 2012

Stine´s expectations

Hello, Awrite!
Me name is Stine, and I will keep you updated on our trip to the United States - and I will try to do it with a scottish twist, because I pure like it!
Now there´s ´ardly four days till departure. So many things to be done before that!
I bought twa books about New York and Washington, so I´m prepared. I wonder if I´m gonna break me neck of all the looking-up at skyskrabers? And all the yellow caps and light. I believe New York to be full of life. And how I would like to see the White House, the home of president Barack Obama - bloody fantastic that´d be! The flight; I will watch a movie and relax, because that´s a long trip! We´ve heard so much about USA as a melting pot, the home of immigrants - are they pure that different from us? Me predjudices will be tested, that´s for sure. Se ye later!

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